JETT PLASMA For Her II is patented direct current electrocauter indicated for non-ablative treatment of vulvovaginal laxity causing tissue tightening and strengthening. Unique direct current technology provides a solution for issues connected to vulvovaginal laxity, such as insufficient vaginal moisture, burning and itching, stress incontinence and sexual discomfort due to vaginal dryness, reduced tightness, elasticity and sensitivity. Develo ped mainly for women after childbirth and menopause.
Positive effect of JETT PLASMA For Her II is caused by combination of heat, membrane depolarization and low threshold reversible electroporation. The passage of direct current generates heat, which activates the formation of new collagen connective tissue, leading to a rejuvenation and stronger and more flexible tissue structure. In addition to the heat effect, unique direct current technology causes membrane depolarization and reversible electroporation which reduces the barrier and enable easier passage of ions and molecules through cell membranes.
The procedure is painless, well tolerated and it does not require local anaesthetic application. It solves rejuvenation of atrophied vaginal mucosa. It is suitable also in cases when local estrogen vaginal creams cannot be applied (condition after oncological diseases) with estrogen-dependent tumors.
• Incontinence
• Rejuvenation
• Atrophy
• Labiaplasty
• Discomfort
• Safe, comfortable, painless
• Short treatment time
• Non–surgical
• No need for anesthesia
• No hormones
• No scars
• 3 treatments with an interval of 10-14 days
JETT PLASMA Medical II is a revolutionary patented medical device for use in ablative & non-ablative surgery, aesthetics, dermatology, ophthalmology and many other medical disciplines.
Technology of JETT PLASMA is based on electric plasma-ionized gas. Plasma is automatically generated by safe high voltage between the tip of the device and patient‘s skin. Patented direct current technology allows us to create very thin and stable discharge (0,1mm), by which can be treated even the area around eyes.
Second generation of JETT PLASMA provides higher power output that makes your treatments shorter and more effective.
• Non-surgical blepharoplasty
• Removal of deep and shallow wrinkles
• Removal of warts, pigmentation, fibromas, cuperosis, hemangiomas
• Scars correction
• Xanthelasma removal
• Blepharitis treatment
• Entropion and ectropion correction
• Trichiasis and distichiasis treatment
• Safe and comfortable
• Short treatment time
• Non-surgical
• Special applicators for various treatments
• Fast healing process
• Long lasting effects
• No scars and keloids
• Unique technology of direct current
• Dermatology
• Aesthetics medicine
• Ophthalmology
Golden applicators are designed for ablative treatments and cause skin fulguration and coagulation.
Silver applicators are designed for non-surgical treatments and thanks to the unique direct current technology enable membrane depolarization and low treshold reversible electroporation.
Patient Instructions
Before Treatment
- Have a meal and keep drinking before you come in
- The medical staff will explain the procedure and get consent
- You will be examined before the procedure is started
Be sure you do NOT have any of these following conditions:
- epilepsy
- pregnancy
- pacemaker, Holter ECG monitoring system
- any implanted electrical device
- metal implants in the treated area (IUDs are OK)
- unknown/untreated/undiagnosed skin disorder in the treatment areas
- urinary tract infection
- collagen vascular disease
- pre-cancer or cancerous disease of the vulvovaginal areas
- menstruation
Treatment procedure
- The metal cylinder electrode is handheld for electrical grounding
- The attending doctor puts on sterile gloves
- A clear ultrasound gel is applied to the vulva or vagina
- G-Applicator Wave/Flat applicator 10 mm is removed from the sterile package
- G-Applicator Wave/Flat applicator is put on to the vulva/vagina
- The intensity is set according to patient comfort. It is recommended to start the treatment at intensity 3-5 and then gradually set higher intensity up to 8
After treatment care
- Wipe off the gel, normal hygiene
- No sex for a week
Follow Ups
- Number of treatments: 3 total, then touch ups every 6-12 months
- The treatment is performed three times over a period of 7-14 days