Case 2 – Labiaplasty Revisions

Before Revision

After Revision

Before Revision

After Revision

Before Revision

After Revision

Before Revision

After Revision

Before Revision

After Revision

Before Revision

After Revision

Before Revision

After Revision

Before Revision

After Revision

Patient History:

This young lady in her thirties had completed her childbearing and wanted to improve the appearance of her vulva. She consulted with an experienced plastic surgeon who claimed to have performed a significant amount of labial surgeries. The plastic surgeon had no photos to show on her website or in the office. The plastic surgeon had done other very successful procedures on the patient and had an excellent relationship with the patient.

The plastic surgeon recommended a labia minora plasty with clitoral hood reduction. “De-epitheliazation” labiaplasty was performed where strips of skin were removed from both sides of the labia minora. An “Inverted U Clitoral Hood Reduction was performed under general anesthesia in the surgeon’s office surgery center.

After only a few weeks it became obvious that the healing was sub-optimal as the labia produced holes in the “de-epithelialized” areas. The blood supply was compromised and full edge healing did not occur. Two unsightly flaps of labial tissue with strands of skin connected the minora to the majora. A firm scar on the top of the clitoral hood occurred which caused pain.

Procedure Performed:

Labia plasty revision to a Barbie Look, extensive radiosurgical resurfacing of the clitoral hood scar was perfumed initially. A secondary resurfacing was performed months later to refine her labial appearance.


Extremely happy patient able to resume normal sexual relations with confidence after a two month recovery.