Thermiva Case Studies
Patient History: A patient in her early 50s complained of overactive bladder, repeatedly waking up at night to urinate multiple times, some pelvic heaviness and pressure from a mild to moderate rectocele. She also had a reduction in her genital sensitivity and a difficult time achieving orgasms.
Treatment and Results: ThermiVa with O-Shot were started in 2018 which have continued to shrink her vaginal tissues and provide tightness, maintain moisture, eliminate overactive bladder and nocturia symptoms, and prevent progression of her rectocele. Her sensitivity has been improved and orgasmic response has been normal. Three years of preventative treatments and maintenance with radio frequency and vaginal estrogens have been able to ward off the menopausal changes that can greatly hurt vaginal health.
Patient History: Young lady in her late 40s requested a Labia Minoraplasty and Labia Majoraplasty for laxity of her vulvar structures as well as Posterior Repair and Vaginoplasty/Perineoplasty surgery for a prolapsed rectum and vaginal looseness. Surgery did well after surgery and was very happy. Two years later she entered menopause and complained of thinning and crinkling of her vulvar tissues, vaginal dryness, and painful intercourse. She requested a series of ThermiVa treatments and O-Shot and was started on vaginal estradiol.
Procedures Done:
2017: Posterior Repair, Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Labia Minoraplasty, Labia Majoraplasty
2019: ThermiVa, O-Shot, Start vaginal estradiol support
2020: ThermiVa, O-Shot, Maintain vaginal estradiol support
2021: ThermiVa, O-Shot, Maintain vaginal estradiol support
Results: Maintenance of her youthful appearance and function.
CASE STUDY 07.06.21
Patienet History
Patient in her early 50s complains of vulvar laxity, vaginal dryness, repetitive urinary and vaginal infections, and a leaky bladder. She underwent ThermiVa treatments and was placed on vaginal estrogen therapy which resolved her symptoms completely.
Procedure done: ThermiVa Treatments and Vaginal Estrogen therapy
Results: Her stress incontinence and overactive bladder and nocturia were eliminated.
CASE STUDY 10.07.17
Young patient in her early 40s complained of discomfort from her enlarged labia and external anal skin tags. She felt her entire vulvar area was saggy. She also had overactive bladder and the start of vaginal dryness. She requested surgical repair and ThermiVa treatments. Photos are at about 6 weeks post op and with 2 ThermiVa treatments completed.
Procedure done: Barbie Look Labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, ThermiVa, Removal of External Anal Skin Tags, Perineoplasty
Results: Improved appearance and comfort, reduction in urinary frequency and urgency. Very satisfied patient.
Maintenance: Twice weekly vaginal estrogen cream, ThermiVa treatment every 6-12 months as needed.
CASE STUDY 09.17.17P2
History: Young patient in her early 40s complained of discomfort from her enlarged labia and external anal skin tags. She felt her entire vulvar area was saggy. She also had overactive bladder and the start of vaginal dryness. She requested surgical repair and ThermiVa treatments.
Procedure done: Barbie Look Labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, ThermiVa, Removal of External Anal Skin Tags, Perineoplasty
Photos are at about 6 weeks post op and with 2 ThermiVa treatments completed.
Results: Improved appearance and comfort, reduction in urinary frequency and urgency. Very satisfied patient.
Maintenance: Twice weekly vaginal estrogen cream, ThermiVa treatment every 6-12 months as needed.