I had surgery the first week of February months after my husband died. I was vulnerable and frightened. The initial HMO physician assigned had not inspired much confidence. After an additional consultation, I made the decision to utilize another Cigna provider; Dr. Red Alinsod. From day one, this physician made me feel comfortable. His track record (easily found on the Internet) along with the praises from staff members did not do him justice. This is a warm and competent physician. I sailed through the initial surgery and recovery with minimum discomfort and minimum recovery time. The additional procedure done with his assistant (Maria Islas) in his office last Thursday again, proved how skilled this doctor is. I was informed at every step before and closely followed after each procedure afterwards. His staff, and especially his assistant Maria Islas, are well trained, professional, kind and courteous. I am a registered nurse. I have been in the healthcare industry and licensed since 1971. I do healthcare for a living. I am very aware of the subtle nuances of good patient care. My hat is off to this type of customer service. In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to Maria and to Doctor. I am very grateful…this physician saved me from a world of urinary tract infections, embarrassment and discomfort not to mention preserving my good health. You Rock Doc.

— Nurse in O.C.


When considering surgery, hands-down without a doubt, you can trust Dr. Alinsod. To say he’s a professional and a Master in this field is an understatement. I never dreamed outstanding results were possible for me. I am thrilled and relieved. My problem was I felt “that part” of my body never matched the rest of me, it looked 15 years older. Being in the entertainment industry, oftentimes I have to change in front of people or wear minimal clothing, and I don’t fear or dread those moments anymore. I’m happier overall, more confident, and completely comfortable in my own skin. My only regret is not finding Dr. Alinsod 10 years ago before my original surgery.

–Happy in California


I truly cannot tell you how grateful I am for this entire experience. Your work is impeccable. I’m so happy that you chose to do this, and to share it!! And its been a pleasure visiting with you and the staff! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Have a great weekend!!!

–Grateful in Southern California


Hey Doc! Though there is still some pain (understandably), I am healing beautifully!!!!!! I truly am stunned! ((:: The reality of my outstanding results are still sinking in! Thank you so much! I’m so grateful I found you, bc your work is brilliant! Have a great week! See ya in April!

–Happy California Girl


Dr. Alinsod:
I wanted to write to compliment you on the wonderful practice you have developed at the Women’s Center at South Coast Medical Center. I recently had my first medical cosmetic treatment with Maggie Carpio and I could not have asked for a more positive experience. I was a bit apprehensive about what to expect but my nervousness quickly disappeared once I sat down with Maggie and she explained the process. She answered all of my questions, was thorough and knowledgeable and made this an extremely comfortable experience. She emphasized the importance of achieving the goals that I was looking to achieve and in the end we did just that. Thank you so very much!

– C, San Juan Capistrano


“This was one of the BEST things that I could have ever done for myself…and my husband!! The procedure was incredibly easy with relaxing music and Dr. Alinsod and his staff explaining everything and keeping me comfortable every step of the way. I look and feel INCREDIBLE and can’t believe how perfect everything went. Thank you Dr. Alinsod. You’ve made me sooo happy!!” You guys are the Best!

– P, from San Diego


I finally did it!!! I had a vaginoplasty and labia majora plasty done–ten years after my youngest child was born, and after researching it extensively for 2 years. Now, four months later, I feel it’s one of the best decisions I have ever made. The results are amazing! I gave birth to two children–both deliveries were very difficult. I’m an extremely petite, small boned woman and the delivery with my second child included 18 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing.

After delivery, when my OB was stitching me up (for 2 hours) she said “Your poor, virgin vagina.” She was right!! It never felt the same– urinating, having bowel movements, and of course during sexual intercourse. The looseness was almost a numb feeling. I felt un-plumbed and looked loose and crooked with birth trauma and aging.

I met Dr. Red Alinsod after interviewing several other prominent doctors often seen on TV. Dr. Alinsod was very professional, understanding, and a gentle soul. He knew exactly how I felt and what I wanted to accomplish. His credentials as a vaginal surgeon were unmatched by his more famous TV doctors. He gave me the confidence to go forward with a procedure that I really needed. His recommendations were nothing more and nothing less than what I needed. The surgery went smoothly and everything turned out to be great!!! It’s all back in working condition–all operations make me feel young again. I am very very happy with my decision and I feel every woman should be given this opportunity if she feels the need. I highly recommend Dr. Alinsod and am thankful I found him in.



Dear Dr. Alinsod,

Wow…just read about the lawsuit…I am so sorry! So let me see if I understand it….. This so called friend has had her uterus removed, hence no chance of cancer cells etc. The so called “branded” uterus is no longer on her person. Did she not sign a consent to have her uterus sent to pathology properly labeled? Sadly it sounds like this hairdresser/friend just might need some money. I will think of her every time my already insanely expensive insurance premium is raised so that physicians can afford their insanely expensive malpractice insurance so to deal with these nuts. Harsh I know.

I’m still dumbfounded, probably because your professionalism was so evident in my visits to your office, not to mention the entire office operation very impressive. I’m an administrative coordinator for a dentist who runs an extraordinary fine-tuned practice as well…so I’m a bit more savvy and appreciative of smooth and professional operations. I actually handle the office PR and marketing, plus write our quarterly newsletter among many other things. Unfortunately there will always be unreasonable, illogical and self centered people in our lives…perhaps God’s little way of “enlightenment” or helping us see and appreciate the authentic ones we meet along the way.

With that said, here’s my favorite poem by Mother Teresa which I hope will lift up your spirit. I have a good feeling all will be fine.

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God; It was never between you and them anyway.

Hang in there. You are very talented and an extraordinary physician. My uterus is healthy, thanks only to you. I pray it goes in your favor.

Gratefully yours,


Thank you Dr. Alinsod for seeing my daughter today. As you could see, she is a mess. However, because of you, she has hope.
Before we came to you, she saw a doctor in Northern California who did little but offer a prescription of pain pills. As a doctor, you have taken the responsibility of staying current on research for women’s health, and you put this into your practice. Too many doctors feel staying current with research means you stay current with the drug companies and offer your patient more pills. You have treated her with dignity, respect and most of all…care. You cared enough about her future to put boundaries in place that say this is my field, and you need to see a pain specialist for that field. You cared enough to visit her in the hospital when her admit had nothing to do with the ailments you are treating with her. You care enough, and your staff cares enough, to call us back or return our emails when she is having a flare up. You have taken time with her and showed great patience when an easy answer was what she wanted, and it could not be found. You treat each of us as if we are your family, your neighbors or your friends. I have never felt like my daughter was just another patient with insurance to bilk.

With all that you do, you give your patients hope. That is one ingredient that will never be found in a pill. It is difficult to find that in a doctor as well, but with you, it comes easy. I cannot thank you enough for all you do for my daughter and our family.



Thank you and your entire staff for the wonderful service over the past few months. Though I still have upcoming procedures to do, I just want to say that I really do appreciate everything you and your staff have done for me over the past weeks. The weekly treatments in your office helped to me to really get to know your staff and I must say that you are truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of people working with you, especially Maria who went above and beyond to call me recently to find out how I was doing personally. It is rare to find people that really care about your circumstances or you as a person, so when I do I know it is a blessing. Thank you Dr. Alinsod and thanks to your entire team!

Joanna Teed


I truly cannot tell you how grateful I am for this entire experience. Your work is impeccable. I’m so happy that you chose to do this, and to share it!! And its been a pleasure visiting with you and the staff! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Have a great weekend!!!

–Grateful in Southern California